
I Am A Dance Mom

dance mom

I am not a dance mom. You know, the stereotypical dance mom? Snotty, conceited, nose in the air or a brown noser?

I am, although, a REAL dance mom. It’s crazy and hectic, stressful and causes a ton of anxiety. Perfection is what causes all these things. “Are the schedules right?” “Ugh! Your hair is not right!” “You need the right outfit on!” – and so on.

I grew up in gymnastics, took a little bit of tap classes. I grew out of it. For one, I was a shy child. Dancing, nor gymnastics was right for a shy little girl. So, I started playing sports; softball, volleyball and some soccer. Softball was and still is my favorite sport.

My mom had a little girl when I was 15; my sister is now 21! I’m old! When my sister was 4 years old she started dancing. So I was involved in her dancing career, I saw the crazy hectic lifestyle my mom was bringing my sister up in and I wanted in! Like I said, my sister in now 21 and on the varsity team at the college she attends. Mind you, the dance team is 6 time national champs, they put a ring on!

Soul sisters

My daughter is now 9. She has been dancing on and off since she’s been 4 years old. She started at the dance studio my sister was apart of. She was welcomed on the competition team. I got a pretty good taste of a dance mom life then.
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My daughter has been dancing for 3 years straight, we are going on her 3rd year now. This year, we made the competition dance team! I want to note a BIG NOTE here; I do not push my daughter, she is very passionate about dancing, she wants to follow is her aunt’s footsteps. Now, I do push her to do good and to practice and that since she’s on a team, she must be a loyal team member – remember there is no “i” in team.


My daughter is an amazing dancer, and at just 9 years old, she has the charisma of a person who yearns to perform in front of people. She is not shy, no way, shape or form. I am very proud of her and pray, that she will continue to follow her dreams and do great things in life!

So, yes, I make sure her hair is perfect, her dance clothes are perfect and a tad bit conceited on how pretty and talented my baby girl is. I AM a REAL dance mom; the stresses make sure of that!


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About Mysterious Ramblings

Hi, I’m Misty and I own Mysterious Ramblings. Highly amused by rats, animals, celebrities, tattoos, and the occasional squirrel. Survey hound, product reviewer, self employed, convention and travel lover. Impractical Jokers, horror movie, Snapchat, Instagram and Mexican food junkie. Lover of all things 90's and 00's. Brand ambassador and lifestyle blogger. Full time caretaker to my grandmother and nanny to my nieces and nephew. Pretty much, I’m Superwoman.
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11 thoughts on “I Am A Dance Mom

  1. SHE IS SUCH A CUTIE! I loved and miss dancing so so much and I am so terribly grateful for my mother who endured so many crazy “dance moms” years. Best wishes to you and your daughter!

  2. I was always too shy when I was a child and although my Mom made me take ballet classes (I was no ballerina!) and later on cotillion (oh how I hated cotillion-which is ballroom dancing in case you never heard of it)–I fear I broke many a guys toes! My cousin on the other hand lived for ballet and really wanted to be a ballerina –her Mom was super supportive but it was not to be. I hope your little adorable ballerina loves it enough to stick with it. Of one thing I am sure–YOU will be right behind her-cheering her on!

  3. Your daughter is beautiful! It’s a wonderful thing as parents to help nurture our children’s talents and gifts. It does take a lot of work. But the reward of seeing them fulfilling their dreams is priceless! Kudos!!!

  4. There photos are absolutely adorable. I love how you emphasized that you aren’t pushing her but rather dance is her passion. Such a great parenting tip.

  5. I’m proud of you for keeping it real. Too many times, people are putting their kids through this for their own joy and that’s just not fair. I love that you’re one of the real ones! 🙂


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