Six Surprising Things That Cause Sleep Troubles

How often do you experience sleep troubles? Is it daily or once in a while, and do you know the reason? Having sleep troubles is unhealthy as you need sleep to be healthy and function well every day. However, some things that people do knowingly or unknowingly could be wrecking their sleep. Figure out what some of the strange things are, as most people could be suffering from sleep troubles they can control. And they can easily switch habits or behaviors they have to improve on their sleep. As you read on are some surprising things that wreck your sleep without your knowledge.

  1. Not washing your bed pillow 

How often do you think of washing your pillows? Most people change the cover, and yet pillows collect a lot of dirty stuff, for instance, dead skin, dirt, mold, hair, dust mites, pet dander, and fungus, among many others. These cause allergic symptoms such as a runny nose, coughing, sneezing, and itchy eyes interfering with your sleep. Allergies are a risk factor for disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea. Thus, it is best to replace your pillow every one and a half years and wash them often. As you clean them change your beddings as well, including the mattress cover of your hybrid mattress to maintain cleanliness.

  1. Working in bed 

The mantra most sleep specialists recommend is to use your bed for sleep and sex only. If you have to work at home, avoid the temptation of having to work in bed because it is cozy. Since working in bed, whether during the day or at night, causes you to associate your bedroom with work and other things. It should stay out of the bedroom. Keep work-related realities out of your sleep space. Such as stress and deadlines, pressure and productivity, focus, and alertness will cause you sleep troubles. Do soothing and relaxing activities like sleep yoga instead.

  1. Taking multivitamins at night 

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Many medications can disrupt your sleep. Antidepressants, allergy medications, or statins are some of them. Still, some vitamins can too. More particularly, B Vitamins can disrupt your nightly rest. According to research, Vitamin B12 increases how sensitive you are to light. Not only disrupting the sleep-wake patterns but inhibiting the sleep hormone melatonin. More research is yet to be done on Vitamin B6 on whether it triggers bizarre and vivid dreaming causing you to wake up at night. Therefore, take your multivitamins in the morning after your breakfast.

  1. Your dinner is extra spicy 

Extra spice makes for a great meal, but it will cause you to have sleep troubles. Chilli peppers have the chemical capsaicin that triggers your body to convert energy to heat through a process called thermogenesis. For this reason, eating a lot of spicy foods causes a slight rise in body temperature. This matters, for to sleep, your body prepares through your body temperatures lowering naturally at night. Thus, spicy foods send body temperature in the wrong direction, triggering heartburns that affect your sleep.

  1. You received good news 

Receiving good news is a source of happy and exciting life events. It could be you aced your exams, got the promotion you wanted, moving to your dream home, planning a wedding, among other things. But these events disrupt your sleep just as the difficult and stressful ones can. It causes acute insomnia, which lasts for a few days to weeks, and it is because of unexpected developments in life, either positive or negative. Good news coming your way causes sleep trouble, but few people are not aware of it.

  1. Sugary snacks an hour to bed 

Most snacks most people eat at night are problematic for sleep. Also, sugary foods are culprits as well. If you love sweet treats at the end of your day, do not have them an hour to bed. It is best late in the evening. Feeding these cravings before bed will only elevate your blood sugar. Unfortunately, this causes a jump in the blood sugar, and a crash follows, affecting your sleep. Thus, it is best to snack on more sleep-inducing snacks. Such as almonds, bananas, chamomile tea, among others, if need be.

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