Life Hacks, Mysterious Ramblings

Ways to get the Kids Interested in Healthy Food

Ways to get the Kids Interested in Healthy Food

Food can either be your best friend or biggest enemy. Eating the right foods can help you maintain a healthy weight, prevent many illnesses and diseases, and give you lots of energy. The wrong foods do the exact opposite. The problem is that the wrong foods are the ones that are popular, quick, and easy, and children tend to love them. That means that you need to get creative with how you approach food and your children. Luckily there are ways you can get your children interested in healthy food, and we are going to have a look at a few of those ways today.

The Supermarket

This may be more effective if you go to a supermarket that has a stunning array of fruits and vegetables on display—the more exotic, the better. Let the children look at all the items on display and get them to choose a jazzy vegetable that you can cook together. This may also prove a bit of a challenge to you too, as it may not be so easy coming u with something for everything. By asking them to choose a vegetable, they will need to study all the different shapes, sizes, and colors of the vegetable, and when you really look, they can look pretty amazing, especially the more brightly colored ones. Once they have chosen, you may need to be a little inventive or find a suitable recipe so that they can see the process by which a vegetable is turned into food. 


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Be a Good Role Model

You can’t say to your children don’t eat this and that or drink this hand that and then do it in front of them. You have to lead by example. Children tend to mimic what their parents do, and if you eat a lot of fruit, so will they. Remember this isn’t all about them, your health is important too, and if you need the little incentive of being a good role model to hello you make healthy life choices, take it.  

Be Creative in the Kitchen

Use your kitchen to show your children how to cook. Go back to basics and make things from scratch as often as you can. It doesn’t always have to be serious food; you can make things like cakes and biscuits and even create an amazing butterbeer recipe. The point is to get the kids used to cooking and learning about ingredients. So try and make it fun, and you never know you may create a buddy chef.

About Mysterious Ramblings

Happily Married cat Mom. Travel and convention lover. Lover of all things weird. Lifestyle blogger.
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