Family Friendly Adventures For All This Summer

Family Friendly Adventures For All This Summer

So the children have finished school for the summer and you are busy planning how you are going to keep them happy and entertained. There are always plenty of things to do, it is just a case of arranging it and buying tickets for things if needed. Don’t panic that you have to take the children out every day, this is not the case at all. Children are happy spending the day indoors, as long as they are not driving each other or you insane. Take a look below for some great family adventures that will keep you all happy.  

Explore Country Parks

Parks are wonderful and better yet, they are free. You can go wandering around taking in the many different sites and sounds. Majority of the time these country or national parks have a playground where the children can burn off that excess energy. A lot of the country parks are many kilometers long, which means you can spend a good chunk of the day walking around them. If they have a café then you could make a day of it, explore in the morning, stop for some lunch in the café, and then carry on your day in the afternoon. 

Go On Bike Rides

Kids love bike rides, it gives them the freedom to explore and take risks while also placing strict boundaries on where they can go. If you are lucky enough to live near parks and greenery then there will always be places for you to take the children on bike rides. If you live nearer to the city then don’t fret. This is the perfect opportunity to teach your children road safety and the rules of the road. The last thing you want is your child zooming off without this knowledge and something happening. Make sure that you are all wearing helmets on your bike rides, they are there for a reason. 


A family camping trip might be just what you all need to spend some quality time together. If you have to work during the week then you could arrange to go away at the weekend. There are some amazing campsites dotted around, take a look online to find your nearest one. Some of them even have fun activities for the children to do during the day, giving you and the other half some quality time together. Pack everything you need in the car and away you go, if you need to stock up on some quality camping gear then take a look at ECOGEAR FX for all your camping needs. 

Road Trip 

Finally, what could be more fun than bundling into the car and exploring your country? There will always be sights to see, it is just a matter of finding them. If you live in America for example, you could take a road trip along the famous Route 66. Plan stops along the way so you can take photos and visit the many places of interest such as the Blue Whale in Oklahoma. 


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