Embracing Your Weirdness: What It Means To Be Unique

Embracing Your Weirdness: What It Means To Be Unique

Everyone has weird quirks and interests. There’s no need to be embarrassed about them. On the contrary, weirdness is a beautiful thing. It’s what makes us unique, and it is something that should be embraced, not suppressed. Here are a few ways you can embrace your weirdness, whether it means that you like to go outside in the middle of a blizzard or that you’re obsessed with Game of Thrones.

Weirdness Makes Society Progress 

The world tells you to conform. Conform, don’t stand out. Don’t be weird or different because that’s not what people want. You need to fit in and do things how everyone else does; otherwise, there’s something wrong with you. This couldn’t be further from the truth. For society to progress, we need individuals willing to embrace their weirdness and go against the grain at times if it means making a difference somehow. How can you make a difference? By embracing your inner uniqueness, of course. There’s nothing better than being unique and knowing that no one else is like you on this entire planet earth. Well, except maybe your twin, but they’re still pretty special too.

Don’t Be Embarrassed 

Don’t be embarrassed by your interests and hobbies. If you like doing something, that’s all that matters. For example, if you are a grown woman of 52 and collect Barbies, be proud of it! Your collection and the fascinating information around these dolls not only make you interesting, but it brings joy to your life. You don’t need to apologize for liking what you enjoy. Likewise, do not apologize for having a unique personality. If someone is different, they should be proud of their differences and share them with others whenever the chance arises. 

Don’t Change To Fit In

Don’t try changing yourself to please other people. They aren’t going around trying to fit into society perfectly either. So why should you change yourself? You shouldn’t change your personality just because other people don’t understand it. It’s easy to get caught up in trying to fit in and be like everyone else, but that often means a lot of pretending. You might have some people in your life, including family members or peers at school, who want you to change the things about yourself that they don’t like. But it is important to remember that these relationships can go both ways and should always be mutual even if there are situations where one person gives more than the other does for a period of time.

Embrace It

Embrace your weirdness. Whatever makes you unique with your friends and family members whenever the opportunity arises. The ability to embrace your weirdness is one of the most important parts of self-care. Self-care is so much more than just taking a bubble bath or reading a book. It’s about accepting yourself for who you are and loving every little bit of you. Should you love wicker furniture and it’s your only guilty pleasure you splurge your money on, let it shine in your home! Embrace this interest of yours. It’s what makes you cool. Never feel guilty that your top favorite reading material is How To Clean Wicker Furniture: The Complete Guide. Remember, there are people out in the world that don’t even have a top favorite reading list. 

Quid Pro Quo

Don’t make fun of people or act like they are strange. It is normal not to have a super straight-laced life where everything needs to go according to plan or looking perfect 100% of the time.

Don’t Be Afraid Of Rejection

There will always be people who don’t understand you or want to hang out with you because they’re afraid of being rejected themselves. For example, suppose someone doesn’t want anything to do with you just because of minor differences. In that case, chances are they were never worth having around anyway.

Be Upfront 

Include your quirks in your online dating profile. If you want to attract a quality partner, make sure that they know about all of the good and the bad. Then, be yourself and let them decide if it’s something worth embracing or not. 

Try New Things

Another great way to embrace your inner weirdness is by stepping outside of your comfort zone. Challenge yourself with new activities and hobbies that you may not have tried before. Those willing to try something new will find themselves coming out on top as they meet others along the way. Being weird is a state of mind, so embrace anything outside of social norms with open arms. Many of our favorite foods didn’t even exist 100 years ago, but now we can find them at almost every restaurant around town. Try being adventurous by trying new things and trying to embrace your weirdness. 

Think Outside The Box

Your weirdness can be your most valuable asset. It is what makes you have an opinion. It’s what gives you the ability to think outside of the box and see things in a different way than other people do, which is awesome. The world is full of rules, and social norms meant to keep society in order, but there’s always going to be room for things outside the box. Break out of your comfort zone by doing something you’ve never done before. It will help expand your creativity. Just because you might not fit into everyone else’s idea of what a reasonable person looks like doesn’t mean that you aren’t one.
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Stop Caring About What Other People Think

It’s impossible to make everyone happy, so don’t try. Don’t let the opinions of others dictate how you feel about yourself or who you are as a person. If someone doesn’t like something that makes up all of you, then they aren’t worth your time anyway. Just remember that there will always be those select few people out there who genuinely love and appreciate everything amazing about you. Embrace your uniqueness because it is what sets you apart from many other individuals throughout this world

No Validation Required 

You don’t need anyone else’s approval or validation to feel good about being who you are because that person does not define you. Your happiness comes from within yourself so give yourself permission to embrace the many beautiful parts of who you are, even if they seem silly/outlandish/weird/etc.

Be True To Yourself

Being true to yourself allows for better relationships with those around you as well because you are not trying to be what somebody else thinks that person wants. 

Don’t Be Naive 

If someone truly loves and cares about you, then they will love all parts of your weirdness, no matter how strange it may seem. But sometimes, this isn’t necessarily true, so make sure to take good care of yourself and only let the people close to you be in your life that is supportive of who you truly are.

Weird Is The New Normal 

The first step in embracing your quirky flag is realizing just how amazing and different you really are. Don’t compare yourself to other people or try to fit into a specific mold because there isn’t one for everyone. Let go of any preconceived notions that society has placed on who ‘normal’ looks like. Do what makes you happy, and don’t be afraid to let your quirky flag fly.

Crowdsource Your Weirdness

There are many ways that someone can embrace their inner weirdness, but one is by following the crowd. This doesn’t mean becoming a mindless drone who does whatever everyone else tells them to do. It means finding the right group of people who will accept you for exactly how unique you are. Those relationships with like-minded people won’t just allow you to express yourself more freely. They’ll actually lead to happiness as well. One way to discover those like-minded individuals is through social media. Sites such as Reddit and Tumblr offer communities where users share common interests and ideas that may not align with society’s definition of normalcy. Embracing your inner weirdness is all about being yourself and truly following your heart. There are many people out there who will help guide you along the way when necessary. They’re just waiting for that one person who feels comfortable enough to follow their lead. Tune into a local college radio station so you can enjoy music from up-and-coming artists while also learning more about them. You might even meet some fellow weirdos who happen to live nearby. These types of friendships have unlimited potential. You can also hop online and find other like-minded people from all over the world. There are plenty of forums out there where you can chat with those who have similar interests as you. These experiences will be unlike anything that’s ever happened to you before, and because of this, they’re well worth it.

Talk About It

You can also simply talk about being ‘weird’ with those around you, whether it’s a romantic partner or even just a friend. By expressing how much this makes you truly happy, there’s a good chance they’ll understand what it really means for somebody to be different from everyone else. You never know until you give them a chance. 

Weirdness Knows No Age

Embracing your inner weirdness doesn’t have an age limit either. Many older individuals feel ashamed because their interests or ways of thinking don’t align with society’s standards. Don’t let age get in the way, and be open to new experiences, especially since you’ll never know what you like unless you try it.

Uniquely Famous 

We all have our quirks, but there is a certain kind of person who magnifies their weirdness to stand out from the crowd. These are people like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk, individuals that many would consider genius or eccentric. And while they may be more socially acceptable than some other prominent figures like Bill Gates. Sometimes it’s good to embrace your own particular brand of weirdness instead of trying to fit into society’s mold.

There is no right or wrong way to embrace your inner uniqueness. Remember: as long as you put yourself out there, people will love how authentic and genuine your spirit really is. So what are you waiting for? Make sure not to miss another opportunity to stand out from the crowd.


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