Food and Drink Gift Guide 2024

Tropical Fruit Box Wellness Box – This is the perfect box to stay at the top of your 2024 health game.

Honey – our newest addition to the Wellness box, TFB Florida Wildflower honey to add to your teas or desserts.

Dragon Fruit – is a delicious fruit from a cactus that tastes like a kiwi married a pear. 

Tropical Avocado 🥑 – this avocado is so much bigger than the ones you are used to; they are the equivalent of 3 to 4 of the ones you buy at the store. They are loaded with healthy fats and potassium!

Ginger – It’s commonly used in teas, smoothies, and food.

Turmeric – Is commonly used in teas, food dishes, and soups.

Limes, Pineapple, Mango and Guava – need no introduction and are loaded with vitamin C.

ModBalls were created by a food scientist and father named Stephen Story. He wanted his kids to have every advantage in sports and all-day tournaments without sugar and caffeine.